I have made many more character collages over the last few weeks and I shall continue to make more.
Today I will show you Natalia and her friends. This is another God Factor spin off from the time Dominick goes around recruiting new heroes across the multiverse. At one point in the story arc Dominick finds himself in Los Angeles and he meets a girl named Natalia and some stuff happens and other characters are introduced and I will get into that more as I present the collages.
Natalia is a California beach boardwalk fitness skater girl. When Dominick meets her, he can sense that she has latent psychokinetic powers that become fully awakened by the end of the story. After that she begins her adventures as a beach boardwalk fitness skater girl with psychokinetic powers who fights the forces of evil.
This collage contains a few dress up game images that helped me figure out Natalia's fashion. It also contains two drawings done for me by actual artists on devaintArt. The one on the left was done for me by Akiko Ai Kureshi. The one on the right is an unfinished sketch that I managed to color myself done for me by Butteredeggs. And a lot of the rest are indeed AI generated collage fodder.
The next character is Natalia's best friend Julie. Julie is another California pretty girl but she is not into skating like Natalia is but they have been friends since they were kids. Julie is an ordinary human with no preternatural abilities of any kind. She is just the main heroines best friend and always there to support her. Sometimes an ordinary human point of view is just what the hero of the story needs.
This collage is made with a mix of dress up games and AI images like the others.
The next character is Jareth. Jareth is a genetically engineered shape shifter who was created in a mysterious secret corporate laboratory. Jareth escaped from the secret lab and ended up becoming friends with Natalia and Julie. The girls teach him the ways of the outside world that is ignorant of due to being born and raised in a secret lab. Jareth can't alter his mass or density but he can change his appearance and even rearrange his internal organs if needed. Jareth's base form is male but he can become a she with ease, or even an animal as long as it has equal mass.
This collage contains a dress up game image and some heroforge.com screenshots as well as the base I used for the original Jareth outfit concept.

The next member of the friend group is an alien lizard man named Etheel. He comes from the planet Lasidor. Etheel is actually the Eighth member of the Council of Light. Like all councilors he was once an ordinary mortal who was touched by the Divine Element and gained great power. But his mind could barely handle the multiversal vision of a councilor so he had to go into isolation to meditate and learn to control it. Eventually Etheel found that isolation was not helping him control his abilities. He decided it would be better to spend time on the mortal plane of existence to gain mastery over his powers. And by chance this happened at the same time Dominick was aiding Natalia. The beaches of southern California reminded Etheel of his home planet so he decided to stay and hang out with Natalia and her friends. Now Etheel does not disguise himself as a human, but he can give off a telepathic suggestive signal that just makes people kind of not notice that he is a lizard man from another planet.
This collage was made with heroforge.com screenshots, the heromachine character maker and one drawing done for me by cavyspirit of deviantArt.
Now lets talk about the villain of this story.

Rodazz Denrek Akez Lemad comes from the planet Jurhk. He was once a tyrannical monarch who was touched by the Divine Element and became a Councilor of Light. But then he murdered one of the other councilors in an attempt to usurp the council and become the one and only lord of light. He was no match for the combined power of the other five remaining councilors and they banished him to a netherrealm where he could not hurt anyone. They decided to keep him alive just in case they ever needed his abilities. But Rodazz was not one to just take his punishment and began pushing against the fabric of his prison. His voice reached many worlds and one cult after another sprang up to worship him and plot to set him free. One of those cults was in Southern California were Natalia lives. In fact her ex-boyfriend became the avatar for Rodazz to inhabit so he could break out of his prison. This was the event that caused Natalia to awaken to her full psychokinetic potential. Rodazz was defeated but his cult survived and still works to set him free.
This collage was made with some heroforge.com screenshots, a few AI generated images that did not look like total crap, and one drawing done for me by AzurexTwilight on deviantArt.
There you have the main characters and the main villain from the story of Natalia and her friends.